This is a French window . It 's facing the back garden .
Ah , this is a French window , and it opens onto a small balcony that looks down to the garden .
It is designed with French window so you can enjoy the view of the city .
Hook the French window when you come in .
A French window two-way radio system
French window , yarn tendril , classical single person sofa chair .
French window , and it opens onto a small balcony that looks down to the garden .
The super large room of 40-60 m2 and the panorama French window facilitate the ease , spaciousness and comfort .
The pale yellow street light which is slanting through the French window in the caf é when the night arrives .
There , in the shadow of his French window , stood Mr. Tandram , also looking forth across the Gardens at the little quince tree .
The said star-toilet is built to high and modern standard , appearing in triangular shape with grey roof , red wall , French window of frosted glass .
" You may wonder why we keep that window wide open on an October afternoon ," said the niece , indicating a large French window that opened on to a lawn .